Thursday 1st There were several showers of rain during the day. The Annual Pic Nic was held in the Domain. Willie went over in the morning and the remainder of us went in the afternoon.
Noel Wallace, Fred Simpson, Charlie Mayall and Mr Ashwith came up to Mahurangi Heads in the “Kotiti” last night and walked to Ti Point early this morning, we met them at the Domain, I did not stay long, but went across in a boat to Ti Point with Mr Torkington, called in to see Minnie and then walked home. Jane, Noel, Grace & Willie returned early next morning having staid for the dance.
Friday 2nd It was a fine day. Jane, Noel, Grace and I took a walk down to Goat Island beach. We played at cricket on the sand, Noel and I had a bathe, we returned home to dinner.
Noel had to go to Matakana to catch a Steamer to Auckland this evening, he wanted to call on his Aunt Mrs Joe Smith. Willie took Noel on a horse to Matakana returning pretty late. Jane and Grace went down to play at Tennis in the evening.
Saturday 3rd It was a fine day. Willie and I were hoeing between the Beans in the morning. We all went down to the wharf to see Flo and Grace Simpson off by the “Rob Roy“, she should have been here by 12 oclock, but she did not arrive until 1.40 pm. Over 20 passengers went up in her from here. There was a meeting of the Farmers Union in the evening.
Sunday 4th It was a fine day. I went to Bible Class in the morning. Mr Mortimer & Mr Ashworth were here to spend the day. Alec Haskell came in the afternoon and staid for tea
Monday 5th It was a fine day. We were digging Potatoes all day.
Tuesday 6th It was a fine day. We were digging Potatoes in the morning. We took the bullock down to the wharf and hauled up 50 Fruit Cases. Mrs Avey and her little son Lem came by the “Claymore” and came up here to stay with us.
Wednesday 7th It was a fine day. Willie and I started to cut Tall Fescue seed in the E.R. Jane, Mrs Avey and Lem went to McKenzies in the afternoon. It came on to rain in the morning.
Thursday 8th It was a fine day. Willie and I continued cutting Tall Fescue seed in the E.R. Jane, Mrs A. & Lem went to spend the afternoon at Annie Mathesons. Mr Roose came in the evening and staid all night.
Friday 9th It was a fine day. Willie and I continued cutting grass seed in the E.R. Jane, Mrs A. & Lem went to spend the afternoon at Joe Wyatts.
I heard this evening that Mrs Gravatt Senr had died this morning while on a visit to Mrs Lloyd at Ti Point. I went down to the Library in the evening.
Saturday 10th There was a misty rain in the morning, Mrs C. Gravatt came and asked if I would go and read the funeral service over Mrs Gravatt Senr at Pakiri. Willie and I took the bullock down to the wharf and hauled up 50 Fruit Cases that came by the “Kawau“. Jane rode to Ti Point to get Oysters. Mr Sep Meiklejohn and Mr Ashton Senr were here for lunch.
I rode to Pakiri this afternoon to be present at the funeral of Mrs Gravatt Senr, I read the service and two hymns were sung, she was buried alongside her husband, and near her mother, sister, brother and son Ernie. The funeral was not so largely attended as it would have been on account of many people knowing nothing about it.
After the funeral I called up at Mr Wittens where I had tea and afterwards had a look round his orchard. On my way home I called in at John Greenwoods to enquire after John who has been laid up with measles.
Sunday 11th It was a very fine day. Revd R. McKinney was to have held service in the Hall this morning. Jane, Mrs A. & I went down, but found out that the Revd gentleman was not coming on account of being unwell, the Bible Class people had their meeting and Jane staid and played for them. Mrs A. and I came home.
Jane, Mrs A. & Lem went to spend the afternoon at Mrs Dunnings.
Monday 12th It was a fine day. Willie and I were cutting Tall Fescue in the E.R. Jane, Mrs Avey & Lem rode to Ti Point and staid all day.
Tuesday 13th It rained a little in the morning. We sowed 2 rows of Canadian Wonder Beans next the other ones. The “Claymore” came in early in the afternoon, soon after Mr Avey came up here and staid for tea. Afterwards they all went down to Tennis, in the evening there was a 6d-hop in the Hall, 14/- being taken at the door. The Aveys all came up here afterwards for some supper and then went down aboard the “Claymore” as they thought it might be wet in the morning.
Wednesday 14th It was a fine day. I went down to the Steamer early in the morning to take the Steward a bunch of flowers and to get the newspapers.
Willie and I were cutting Tall Fescue in the E.R. Mr and Mrs Ned Dale came for me to witness their signatures.
Thursday 15th It was dull in the morning ‘tho’ it did not rain. Jane went to Matakana early in the morning with Bob Neeley in the milk cart. Willie and I were cutting Tall Fescue in the E.R. It came on to rain in the afternoon and we had to come home, and it rained heavily in the evening.
Friday 16th It rained heavily last night and a great part of the day. We staid at home and did odd jobs. The annual meeting of subscribers to the Library was held in the Library room in the evening. I was present and was again elected on the Committee also Librarian.
Saturday 17th It rained heavy again last night. Willie rode to Ti Point to fish and staid all night.
Jane returned from Matakana with Bob Neeley in the milk cart . I went down to the wharf shed to divide the floor, also to paint the Sheep pen gate.
Sunday 18th It poured with rain again last night and it was very dull to day. Willie returned from Ti Point in the afternoon, Joe came with him, and took his pig away.
Monday 19th It was a showery day and the wind is still blowing strong from SE. We picked a few cases of fruit.
Tuesday 20th It did not rain, but it is still blowing strong. I took the Eggs down to the Store in the morning. Willie picked some more fruit. We hauled 7 Cases down to the wharf in the pm and were waiting about all the afternoon for the “Claymore“, but she did not come.
Wednesday 21st It was a fine day. Willie and I went down to the E.R. in the morning, the grass seed was so wet that we had to turn it over, and some that was lying on the ground the seed had sprouted. In the pm we thrashed some out.
Emily and Millie Cruickshank came over to pay us a visit. I went down to Charlie Wyatts in the evening to fix up the accounts in connection with the Domain Board.
Thursday 22nd I heard last night that the McGregor Co were going to send a Steamer early tomorrow morning to take the fruit , so Willie and I commenced to pick Apricots after breakfast, but before we had picked 2 Cases we heard the “Rose Casey” whistle, so we hurried down with the two Cases but there was plenty of time to have picked more cases if we had known. After an early lunch we went to the E.R. and commenced to thrash grass seed, but it came on a misty rain and we had to knock off. I went up to Mr Handbys later in the afternoon.
Friday 23rd It was a wet day. It poured in the middle of the day which caused a fresh , all the culverts were choked and ran over.
We killed a Sheep in the afternoon.
Saturday 24th It rained very heavily early in the morning and was misty for the remainder of the day .
There was a meeting of the Road Board in the afternoon, also a meeting of the Domain Board.
Sunday 25th There were a few showers during the day. Jane, Willie and the Miss Cruickshanks went to the Pah beach in the afternoon.
Bob Neely came in the evening.
Monday 26th It was a fine day. Jane and the Miss Cruickshanks went to the Goat Island beach for a pic nic.
Willie and I were picking Apricots and Jargonel Pears and we took 9 Cases down to the wharf in the evening as the “Kapui” was expected in.
Tuesday 27th It was a fine day. We were picking fruit and we hauled it down to the wharf in the afternoon.
Wednesday 28th It was a fine day. I went down to the wharf early in the morning to see the “Claymore” off, the Omaha cricketers went up by her to play a match against the Wanderers tomorrow on the North Shore ground. Jane and the Miss Cruickshanks walked over to Ti Point to spend the day. I went to the E.R. to turn the grass seed over, Willie staid at home because he had a bad foot. While I was away a Telegram came which concerned Minnie so Willie rode over to Ti Point. I was digging Potatoes in the afternoon.
Thursday 29th It was very windy and a few light showers. We finished digging all the Potatoes , afterwards loosed the soil between the beans and stuck the White Dutch Beans. Jane & the Miss Cruickshanks went down to the harbour to get some oysters.
Friday 30th It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, very warm and a gentle breeze blowing. The Miss Cruickshanks went home today, we lent them Fanny for one of them to ride.
Willie and I were thrashing seed in the E.R. all day.
Miss Mortimer and Miss Wallet came in the afternoon, Jane went down to the village with them and brought up the mail.
Saturday 31st It was dull in the morning, and a lot of black clouds indicated rain, but afterwards it brightened up so Willie and I went to the E.R. and finished thrashing the Tall Fescue seed.