October 1916

Sunday 1st    In the morning it was fine but it looked as if there would be showers.  Harry was sent on horseback to Mr Hay’s.  I started on a horse to spend the day at Mr Halliwells but I had an accident, the saddle turned round and I fell off and the horse made off with the saddle dangling under its belly.  I tried to catch him but unsuccessfully, the saddle came off & I carried it as far as Bristoes and walked home, knocked up.
After lunch Henry went and caught the horse and picked up the saddle & attachments.
Carpenter came from the other place in the evening to work here next week, he brought the mail. It came on a misty rain in the afternoon and continued during the evening.

Monday 2nd   It was a showery day. The men went to the back.  My back was pretty bad and I staid in the house all morning, but went out a bit in the afternoon and cut the grass and dug round an Apple tree at the back of the house.

Tuesday 3rd   Several showers during the day.  The men were working at the back.  In the morning I cut the grass and dug round an Apple tree at the back of the house.  In the pm I was digging between the Oranges.  Harry was cutting firewood all afternoon.

Wednesday 4th   It was a fine day.  They commenced docking the Lambs at Pembertons, Mr Davies, Jack and his two men came to help, all of them staid all night.

Thursday 5th    It was not a very pleasant day, there were several showers.
The men went out early to dock the Lambs at Pembertons, they only docked one paddock.  Mr Halliwell came over in the afternoon to beg a few lemons as his little girl is not very well and the Doctor ordered them.
I wrote a long letter to Arthur Greenwood and gave it to Mr Halliwell to post.  I sowed seeds of Lettuce near matai stump.

Friday 6th   It was a dull day, slight showers in the morning.  The men went out to Pembertons early in the morning to continue docking.
I sowed seeds of S. John’s Day Cabbage near the Matai stump.
After finishing docking at Pembertons they docked at No 6 paddock, it came on to rain steadily in the afternoon, however they finished docking at No 6 , and came home late and wet through.

Saturday 7th   It rained steadily last night and all to day.  Mr David & Jack went home in the morning as it was too wet for docking.  In the afternoon the men were working in the shed.

Sunday 8th   There were showers all day, with all the rain we have had the river has risen considerably.
Carpenter went to Te Araroa, returning late in the evening bringing the mail with him.  He reports a heavy sea breaking on the beach at Te Araroa.

Monday 9th   Misty and showery again.  I set a hen in the fowl house on 13 Eggs which came from Mr Halliwells.
The men were working at the back making sheep yards.
I wheeled three barrow loads of manure from the diamond and put it round the fruit trees at the back of the house.

Tuesday 10th   Showery all day. The men were clearing out the woolshed.

Wednesday 11th   Showery day.  Graham was wheeling manure from the sheep yards to manure the trees at the back of the house and I dug round a few of them.

Thursday 12th   Misty showers, it came out very fine once, but it came misty rain again.  Graham was wheeling manure and digging round the trees at the back of the house.  Jack came over in the evening.

Friday 13th   There were a few misty showers in the morning, the afternoon was very fine.  They mustered the sheep in No 2 paddock and docked the lambs.
I was digging between the trees behind the house and I went up to see them docking.
Carpenter went back to the other place in the evening as he is going carting tomorrow.

Saturday 14th   It was a very fine day.  Tom Pearce came out from Te Araroa to help them dock Lambs, Jack left them about noon when they had mustered, went down to Te Araroa and called in here on his way home.  They were docking until after dark.
I walked down to Mr Halliwells in the morning to spend the day.  Mr & Mrs Whitehead (the school teacher of Te Araroa) were there.

Sunday 15th   It was a fine day.  Mr & Mrs Connelly (the married couple) are leaving and Henry drove them down to Te Araroa.  They had so much luggage, that Mr Halliwell came with his buggy to take what Henry could not take.
Mr Davis, Tom Prince & Henry came in the evening to be in readiness for docking tomorrow.

Monday 16th   It blew very strong last night and early this morning, but it calmed down and turned out a very fine day.  They were docking in No 9 Paddock.  I staid at home and did some gardening.
I resowed the row of Peas with a variety called Alderman, also sowed a row of Peas (Peerless) Suttons seed.
I had to cook the dinner in the evening for the men.

Tuesday 17th   It was a very fine day.  The men were docking in paddocks 7 & 5,  thus finishing the docking.  I staid at home, worked in the garden, forked out sorrel & planted 3 rows of Potatoes, cooked the dinner for the men in the evening.

Wednesday 18th   It was fine during the day, but it came on to rain in the evening.   Mr Davis, Tom Prince & Terry went to their several homes after breakfast, Henry went down with them, he called in at Whites, for some sheep of his that were along with theirs and he brought them home.  Harry & I were left by ourselves, I sowed two rows of Dun Beans next to the Potatoes.  Harry was digging between the trees at the back of the house.

Thursday 19th   It was a very fine day.  Henry took the buggy down to Te Araroa to drive Miss Kirwells sister who came by the “Maka” yesterday up to Ahomatariki.  Harry and I were digging at the back of the house.

Friday 20th   It was a fine day.
After breakfast Henry & I rode over Jimmy Hayes’ hill to Ahomatariki to be present at the marriage of my son Jack to Miss Lily Kirwell his housekeeper.   Revd Digby Wilson performed the ceremony.  I gave the bride away, Henry was best man and Miss Kirwells sister was bridesmaid. After partaking of breakfast Henry & I started for Tangihanga, having left the buggy at Jack’s place last night.  Henry drove home, I rode home and lost my way in Hayes’ paddocks and did not get home much before Henry.  It came on a misty rain.

Saturday 21st   A showery day.  Henry got in some sheep to day, there were a few lambs amongst them which he docked.

Sunday 22nd   It was fine in the morning, but it poured with rain and hail in the afternoon.
Mr Langdon the Stock Agent from Tokomaru called and had lunch here.  Harry rode over to Pemberton’s house to get some books.

Monday 23rd   It was a very fine day.  Henry rode over to Ahomatariki before breakfast to help Jack dock his lambs.  Harry & I were left by ourselves.  I commenced to plant Tomato plants.

Tuesday 24th   It was a very fine day.  Harry rode down to Halliwell’s for some bread and called in at Bristow’s for half a sheep.  We were digging near the fowl yard.

Wednesday 25th   It was fine in the morning but late in the afternoon it came on to rain nasty driving showers.  We finished digging the piece of ground near the fowl yard and commenced a piece nearer the house.
Harry rode down to Mr Halliwells in the afternoon to get some bread that came from Te Araroa, Mrs Halliwell very kindly sent by him a mince pie.

Thursday 26th   It was a fine day.  Henry came from Ahomatariki early this morning and then went over to Mr Banks’ to see if there were any sheep of his as Banks is docking to day.  He returned here for dinner in the evening and staid the night.  Harry went down to Mr Halliwells late in the afternoon and got the mail.

Friday 27th   It was very fine in the morning,  but there was a misty rain in the afternoon.  Henry left here early this morning to go over to Ahomatariki to help Jack with the docking.  Mr Jackson of Te Araroa called this morning for the census papers, I made him a cup of tea, in the course of conversation I found out that he came from Burbage near Hinckley, Leicestershire, so we had a good talk of my old county.  Harry got a fresh horse in, he was digging in the garden.
I took it a bit easy to day so my side was a good deal better.

Saturday 28th   It was a fine day.  Henry returned from Jack’s place late to night.

Sunday 29th   It was a fine day.  Henry drove down to Te Araroa in the morning to fetch the two stockmen that came down from Auckland last night by the “Maco” to work for him, I went with him as far as Mr Halliwells where I spent the day and staid the night as Henry rang up to say that he was not going to leave Te Araroa until tomorrow morning.

Monday 30th   There was a steady rain all day.  Henry did not call for me until the afternoon, the two stockmen he had with him are named respectively Louis & Wm Tchneideman who are cousins, they seem very nice young fellows.  Harry had the dinner ready when we arrived at Tangihanga.

Tuesday 31st   It was fine in the morning.  The young fellows and Henry rode out to the back mustering sheep.  Harry & I were working in the garden.