Wednesday 23rd It was a fine day. Willie & Grace brought a taki [sic: taxi] to take me out of the hospital, it did not take us long to get to the wharf, had not to wait long for a boat which went straight over to Devonport, there was a taxi on the wharf which we engaged which soon took us up to Mr Wallaces where I received a hearty welcome, Alma was away and Mrs Simpson was keeping Mrs W company. I was soon sitting in an easy chair before a good fire and enjoying afternoon tea.
Saturday 26th I had a relapse, could not pass water, so had to call Dr Bennett in and he relieved me with a catheta.
Mr Wallace went to the chemists and got another catheta as mine was too flimsy and he relieved me several times.
Sunday 27th & Monday 28th Mr Wallace used the catheta on me.
Tuesday 29th I could pass water naturally and have done ever since.