June 1903

Monday 1st   It was a fine day.   In the morning Willie was employed in taking the bullock down to the wharf and hauling up some timber.  I staid at home to bake some bread.  In the afternoon I was making a fowl crate.  In the evening I wrote a letter to Fred Simpson.  Jane is in Auckland on a visit to the Simpsons, she went up in the “Claymore” last Wednesday.

Tuesday 2nd   It was a fine day.  We took the Crate of 18 Fowls down to the wharf to meet the “Claymore“, Jane sent a parcel by her which proved to be an overcoat from the D. S. C. for Willie, we hauled up a load of timber.  Mr Roose came in the evening and staid all night.  I gave him a small order.

Wednesday 3rd   It was a fine day, though very dull.  I pulled up the pea sticks and stacked them underneath the house,  set fire to a heap under the dining room window.

Thursday 4th   It was a fine day.  I went down to the wharf in the morning expecting to meet the “Kawau“, but she went into Big Omaha first, so I came home.  Mr Handby called in the middle of the day, Willie went down with him to meet the “Kawau” to see if he could buy some bread, but was unable to do so.  I was pulling tea tree in the front.  There was a meeting of the School Committee in the evening.

Friday 5th   It was a fine day.  Willie took the bullock and catamaran down to the wharf  in the morning and hauled up some timber.
In the afternoon we commenced planting strawberries the top side of the house.  I went down to the Post Office and Library in the evening.

Saturday 6th   It was dull and a slight shower first thing in the morning, but it turned out a fine day.  Willie went fishing with Walter Frearson in Alec Mathesons boat off the Goat Island, they caught about 50 between them, and Willie had a big load of rock cods and schnappers.
In the morning I took the bullock down to the wharf and hauled up some timber.
In the afternoon I planted two rows of strawberry plants the top side of the house,  In the evening it came on a misty rain.

Sunday 7th   It was a beautiful day.  I walked over to Ti Point in the morning to spend the day at Joe and Minnie,  I enjoyed the walk very much, and the roads were not at all bad.  Mr  and Harold Torkington  also had dinner there.  Willie staid at home to smoke the fish he caught yesterday.

Monday 8th   It was a fine day.  We were planting strawberry plants the top side of the house.  Shot chased a weasel up the lane and it got into the garden where we were working, so Willie killed it.
In the evening I wrote a long letter to Noel Wallace so as to reach him on his birthday the 11th.

Tuesday 9th   It was fine in the morning.  We finished planting strawberries the top side of the house, we have about 350 plants now planted.  We took the katamaran down to the wharf in the afternoon, the “Claymore” was alongside, we hauled up the remainder of the timber also a parcel from the D. S. C.
The furniture for the ladies dressing room at the Hall came up in the “Claymore“.   Mr Handby hauled it up.   There was a progressive Euchre in the Hall in the evening in aid of the tennis club, I went down , but there were not many present as it came on to rain in the afternoon and continued on and off all evening.

Wednesday 10th    It was a showery day.  Ted Harper brought a Sack of Wheat up from the Store.
There was a meeting of the Library Trustees in the evening in the Library room , all the members were present .   We chose some new books.

Thursday 11th    It was a very showery day.
Mr H. Snook and Mr H. Brown called in the morning.   I was writing out the list of books that are to be ordered for the Library.   In the afternoon Willie & I got a good stock of firewood and chopped it up.

Friday 12th    It was a showery day.   I had to stay at home in the morning to bake bread.
In the afternoon both of us were cutting and pulling up tea tree in the front.   In the evening Willie went down for the mail, I got a letter from Jane , also one from Fred Simpson.

Saturday 13th    It was a fine day.   Willie and I were cutting tea tree.

Sunday 14th    It was a dull day, but it did not rain.   Willie and I went to Ti Point to spend the day.   Revd G. Marshall held service in the Hall in the afternoon.

Monday 15th    It was a very calm day, and it looks if the fine weather is at an end.   There are a lot of boats out fishing and we heard in the evening that some of them had caught some Hapuka.   Willie and I dug up the old strawberry bed right up to the path intending to sow oats on it.
We went down to the wharf in the evening to meet the “Claymore“, she should have left Auckland at 3 pm and arrived here at about 7, but she did not arrive until 9.30 as she had a lot of sheep to discharge and did not leave at her advertised time.  Jane sent her luggage by her, and went down to Matakana in the “Orewa” to be present at Miss Cruickshank’s wedding tomorrow.
The calm weather has disappeared and the wind is blowing from SE right in to the harbour and the Captain was not sure that he would not have to go to Kawau for shelter.

Tuesday 16th   It was blowing very strong from SE accompanied by driving rain.  We heard the “Claymore’s” whistle in this harbour and we watched her go out, there were big seas outside and the Steamer pitched and rolled very much, and the seas seemed to be breaking over her.  It blowed and rained nearly all day and we did no work outside.

Wednesday 17th   The weather was finer today.  We were cutting tea tree in the front.  Jane returned from Auckland by way of Matakana in the evening, she was present at Miss Cruickshank’s  wedding yesterday.

Thursday 18th   It was a wet day.  The wind is blowing strong and the “Kawau” which started from Auckland for here had to turn back.
I went down to the store in the afternoon and bought two slashes.

Friday 19th   The weather was finer today, we were cutting tea tree in the front.  The “Kawau” came in the pm, she brought a box of books for the Library, Willie & I went down to the wharf in the evening and carried the books up to the Library.  Mr Boyd and I catalogued them and some of them were issued to subscribers.

Saturday 20th   It was a fine day, Willie and I were cutting tea tree in the front.  In the afternoon Jane rode to Matakana to return the horse that Cruickshanks lent her, she staid there all night.  Willie and I went down to the wharf, Willie to fish for bait, and to clear up the wharf.

Sunday 21st   It was a fine day.  Willie went over to see Walter Frearson.  I remained at home all day.  Jane returned from Matakana in the evening, she having come to Ti Point to see Minnie this morning.

Monday 22nd   It was a fine day, but rather windy.  Willie went fishing with Walter Frearson, he came home pretty late at night bringing a lot of rock cods, one schnapper and a piece of hapuka,
W. F  caught it and it weighed about 80 lbs.  I was cutting tea tree in front all day.

Tuesday 23rd   It was a fine day.  We took the bullock down to the wharf,  hauled down 2 cases of apples for Fred and Noel & one bag (4) Sheepskins.  Hauled up the old iron that came off the wharf shed.
There was a Social in the Hall in the evening, I was the only one from this house that went.  35/- was taken at the door.

Wednesday 24th   It was a fine day.  Jane rode to Ti Point and staid all night.  Willie staid at home to smoke the fish.  I was cutting tea tree in the front.

Thursday 25th    It was a fine day.  Willie and I were cutting tea tree in the front all day.  Jane returned from Ti Point in the evening.

Friday 26th   It was a fine day.   Willie and I were cutting tea tree in the front all day.   I went down for the mail in the evening, and as Mr Criss Boyd did not turn up, I had to look after the Library.    I received a long letter from Henry by to night’s post.

Saturday 27th   It was a fine day.  Willie went to Ti Point, he brought home some oysters.  I was cutting tea tree in the morning.  There was a meeting of the Road Board, also Domain Board in the pm.

Sunday 28th   It was a fine day, but the wind was blowing cold from the SW.  Willie and I walked to Ti Point to spend the day.  Jane remained at home by herself.

Monday 29th   It was a fine day.  We cleaned out the pig sty and mended the sty,  afterwards dug round two peach trees.  The “Claymore” came in the evening.  I went down for the mail.

Tuesday 30th   It was a fine day.  The “Claymore” left here at 10 am.  Willie went up in her for a holiday.  Jane went round in her to Ti Point.  I went up to the School to look at the painting, then to G. Knaggs  and then to see the new deviation on the Ti Point road.  I was cutting tea tree the remainder of the day.